| Aaberge, Nancy, Chief Financial Officer B.S., University of Montana M.Acct., University of Montana (406) 874-6161 AabergeN@milescc.edu | | Anderson, Anne, Education Instructor (2017) B.S., Dickinson State University, Elementary Education M.S., Black Hills State University, Curriculum and Instruction (406) 874-6229 AndersonA@milescc.edu | | Atwood, Kristy, Business Instructor (2005) B.S. & M.B.A., University of Montana (406) 874-6203 AtwoodK@milescc.edu | | Badgett, Brett, Equine Instructor (2013) B.F.A., Montana State University (406) 874-6241 BadgettB@milescc.edu | | Barclay, Sandra, Accounting Specialist (2024) A.A., Miles Community College B.S., Dickinson State University (406) 874-6173 BarclayS@milescc.edu | | Bloxham, Nathan, Assistant Men's Baseball Coach (2024) BloxhamN@milescc.edu | | Borer, Jim, Adjunct Instructor B.A., Columbia College M.B.A., Rollins College (406) 679-2974 BorerJM@milescc.edu | | Buck, Kristin, Science Technology Instructor (2007) A.S., Northwest College B.S., Brigham Young University–Idaho M.S., University of Nebraska–Lincoln (406) 874-6301 BuckK@milescc.edu | | Church, Delma, Adjunct Instructor (2024) B.S., Greensboro College M.A., Chadron State College ChurchD@milescc.edu | | Coleman, DeAmbra, Nursing Instructor (2017) A.S.N., Miles Community College B.S.N., South University (406) 874-6186 ColemanD@milescc.edu | | Cox, Richard, Dining Services Director (2021) CoxR@milescc.edu | | Cummins, Carla, Registrar (2015) B.S., Colorado State University B.A., University of Northern Colorado (406) 874-6214 CumminsC@milescc.edu | | Cusimano, Robin, Women's Volleyball Coach (2019) (406) 874-6287 CusimanoRM@milescc.edu | | DeLoach, Isaac, Men’s Assistant Basketball Coach (2015) DeloachL@milescc.edu | | Denny, Charles, English Instructor (2022) B.A., Rocky Mountain College M.A., Western Washington University (406) 874-6195 DennyC@milescc.edu | | DeShields, Richard, Vice President of Student Engagement & Auxiliary Services (2018) B.S., Texas Tech University M.S., University of Central Arkansas (406) 874-6226 DeShieldsR@milescc.edu | | Dinges, Danielle, Director of Financial Aid & Admissions (2018) B.S., Northern Arizona University (406) 874-6182 DingesD@milescc.edu | | Donnelly, Andrew, Adjunct Instructor (2021) A.A., Miles Community College B.A. and M.S., MSU - Billings (406) 874-6195 DonnellyAj@milescc.edu | | Eastin, Jennifer, Dining Services Assistant (2022) EastinJ@milescc.edu | | Eggum, Marlys, Adjunct Instructor (2001) B.S.N. & M.S.N., University of Mary (406) 874-6198 EggumM@milescc.edu | | Faber, Donna, Communications Instructor (1991) B.S., Eastern Montana College (406) 874-6176 FaberD@milescc.edu | | Ferris, Daniel, History/Humanities Instructor (2016) B.A., Roanoke College M.A. and C.A.S., Hollins University M.L.S., North Carolina Central University Doctor of Arts, University of North Dakota (406) 874-6162 FerrisDH@milescc.edu | | Ferris, Dolly, Director of Institutional Advancement (2015) B.S., Montana State University (406) 874-6192 FerrisD@milescc.edu | | Fike, Hildee, Adjunct Instructor B.S., MSU Northern M.S., Montana State University FikeH@milescc.edu | | Florian, David, Adjunct Instructor (2019) B.A. and M.A., MSU-Billings FlorianD@milescc.edu | | Fontaine, Jamie, Adjunct Instructor (2024) A.S.N., Miles Community College B.S.N., Montana Tech M.S.N and M.B.A., Liberty University FontaineJ@milescc.edu | | Forman, Belinda, CRRN (2023) A.S.N, Miles Community College FormanB@milescc.edu | | Frare, Caleb, Men's Baseball Assistant Coach (2023) FrareC@milescc.edu | | Freese, Shelley, Learning Center Instructor (1992) B.A., University of Montana (406) 874-6152 FreeseS@milescc.edu | | Gibbs, Kimberly, Agriculture Instructor (2011) B.S., Texas A&M University M.S., Montana State University (406) 874-6227 GibbsK@milescc.edu | | Giordanengo, Sam, Associate Dean of Instruction and eLearning (2022) B.A., University of Portland M.A., Central Washington University (406) 874-6228 GiordanengoS@milescc.edu | | Glasscock, Traci, Dual Enrollment Program Coordinator (2018) B.S., Eastern Montana College M.Ed., Montana State University-Billings (406) 874-6492 GlasscockTL@milescc.edu | | Gliko, Abby, Women's Volleyball Assistant Coach (2023) A.A., Miles Community College GlikoA@milescc.edu | | Hardy, Michael, Mathematics Instructor (2009) B.S., University of Notre Dame M.S., University of Washington Ph.D., University of New Mexico (406) 874-6204 HardyM@milescc.edu | | Heberle, Kyleigh, Admissions Counselor (2024) A.A.S.; Miles Community College (406) 874-6178 HeberleK@milescc.edu | | Helmts, Kim, Learning Center Instructor (2018) B.S., MSU - Billings (406) 874-6189 HelmtsK@milescc.edu | | Herzog, Ashley, Adjunct Instructor (2022) HerzogA@milescc.edu | | Heth, William, Maintenance Technician (2024) HethW@milescc.edu | | Hill, Jeremiah, Dining Services Assistant (2024) HillJ@milescc.edu | | Holmen, Shannon, CRRN (2019) A.A.N., Miles Community College HolmenS@milescc.edu | | Hubbell, William (Billy), Financial Aid Specialist (2024) B.A., MSU-Billings (406) 874-6208 HubbellB@milescc.edu | | Hudson, Dani, Director of Nursing (2020) A.S.N., Williston State College B.S.N., Minot State University M.S.N., Western Governors University (406) 874-6188 HudsonD@milescc.edu | | Jacobson, Edris (Michela), Adjunct Instructor (2021) B.A. and M.Ed., University of Montana JacobsonE@milescc.edu | | Jerke, Kim, Clinical Sim Coordinator and CRRN (2020) A.S.N., Miles Community College B.S.N., Montana State University Nothern-Havre Jerkek@milescc.edu | | Jilka, Joan, Adjunct Instructor
| | Kimball, Carolyn, Academic Affairs Technician (2014) (406) 874-6164 KimballC@milescc.edu | | Kortum, Sharilyn, Head Women's Basketball Coach (2022) B.S., Montana State University (406) 874-6170 KortumS@milescc.edu | | Kratky, Rita, Vice President of Academic Affairs (2015) B.S. and M.A., Colorado State University Ph.D., Community College Leadership, Colorado State University (406) 874-6199 KratkyR@milescc.edu | | La Cross, Sylvan, Head Rodeo Coach (2021) A.S. and A.A.S., Northwest College B.S., University of Idaho (406) 874-6242 LacrossS@milescc.edu | | Lancaster, Loren, Director of Institutional Research & Banner Coordination (2005) B.S., Montana State University (406) 874-6171 LancasterL@milescc.edu | | Laney, Candy, Executive Assistant (2009) (406) 874-6165 LaneyC@milescc.edu | | Lawrence, Elizabeth, Science Instructor (1994) B.S., Northern Arizona University M.Ed., MSU - Billings (406) 874-6180 LawrenceL@milescc.edu | | Lawrence, Ross, Facilities Director (2005) A.A., Miles Community College (406) 874-6172 LawrenceR@milescc.edu | | Lofland, Jessica, Director of Student Life and College Housing (2016) B.B.A., Oklahoma Panhandle State University M.B.A., Southwestern Oklahoma State University (406) 874-6480 LoflandJ@milescc.edu | | Loni, Kortum, Women's Basketball Assistant Coach (2024) KortumL@milescc.edu | | Losing-Miller, Janell, CRRN (2024) A.A.S. and B.S.N., University of Alaska Losing-MillerJ@milescc.edu | | Luhr, Mary, Adjunct Instructor (2020) B.S., Wayne State College LuhrM@milescc.edu | | Luther, Katrina, Nursing Instructor (2007) A.S.N., Miles Community College B.S.N. and M.S.N., University of Mary (406) 874-6190 LutherK@milescc.edu | | Magestro, Molly, English Instructor (2017) B.S., University of Wisconsin-River Falls M.A., Iowa State University Ph.D., University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee (406) 874-6222 MagestroM@milescc.edu | | Marshall, Cody, Custodian (2024) MarshallC@milescc.edu | | McCally, Joe, Adjunct Faculty Member (2024) B.S.N., Oregon Health & Sciences University McCallyJ@milescc.edu | | McDonald, Joy-Lyn, Adjunct Instructor (2021) B.S. and M.S., Montana State University McdonaldJ@milescc.edu | | McIntyre, David, Automotive Technology Instructor (1991) A.A.S., Miles Community College (406) 874-6233 McIntyreD@milescc.edu | | Medved, William, Adjunct Instructor (2021) B.A., College of Great Falls M.A., St. Mary's College - Minnesota MedvedW@milescc.edu | | Mendoza, Angela, Adjunct Instructor (2017) B.S., Eastern Oregon University M.S., Southern New Hampshire University MendozaA@milescc.edu | | Niedge, Erin, Vice President of Enrollment Management and Educational Support Services (2007) B.A. and M.P.A., University of Montana (406) 874-6211 NiedgeE@milescc.edu | | Niedge, Tyler, CDL Instructor (2020) A.S., Miles Community College (406) 874-6238 NiedgeT@milescc.edu | | Ochsner, Gary, Adjunct Instructor B.S. & M.S., Montana State University OchsnerG@milescc.edu | | O'Connell, Erica, Head Women’s Softball Coach (2019) B.S., University of Northern Colorado M.S., Arkansas State University (406) 874-6289 OconnellE@milescc.edu | | O'Connell, Michael, Head Baseball Coach (2017) OconnellM@milescc.edu | | Olson, Jerry, Athletic Director (2018) B.A., University of Minnesota - Morris M.S., Montana State University (406) 874-6181 OlsonJ@milescc.edu | | Olson, Jill, Nursing & Allied Health Programs Advisor (2020) B.A., University of Minnesota - Morris (406) 874-6189 OlsonJL@milescc.edu | | Ottoy, Richard, Custodian (2022) OttoyR@milescc.edu | | Pawlak, Ambia, Dining Services Assistant (2023) PawlakA@milescc.edu | | Pawlak, John, CDL Instructor (2023) (406) 874-6237 PawlakJ@milescc.edu | | Peters, Max, Dining Services Assistant (2022) A.S., Dawson Community College PetersM@milescc.edu | | Phipps, Kylene, Vice President of Administrative Services and HR (2007) B.S., MSU - Billings M.B.A., National American University (406) 874-6292 PhippsK@milescc.edu | | Pitts, Jason, Adjunct Instructor (2024) M.S.N., Western Governors University PittsJ@milescc.edu | | Poland, Christina, Dining Services Assistant (2024) PolandC@milescc.edu | | Preller, Carrie, HR Coordinator (2016) B.S., University of Montana (406) 874-6197 PrellerC@milescc.edu | | Rapson, Anna, Adjunct Instructor RapsonA@milescc.edu | | Ries, Linda, CRRN (2019) B.S.N., Montana State University RiesL@milescc.edu | | Rost, Linda, Adjunct Instructor (2021) B.S., New Mexico State University M.S. and M.Ed., Montana State University Ph.D., Texas Tech University RostL@milescc.edu | | Scheid, Fred, Adjunct Instructor (2021) B.S., Montana State University ScheidF@milescc.edu | | Schmidt, Dirk, IT Manager (2022) B.S., Devry Institute of Technology 406-874-6201 SchmidtD@milescc.edu | | Shell, Michael, Adjunct Instructor (2023) B.S., University of Great Falls M.S., Montana State University Ph.D., Northwestern Theological Seminary ShellM@milescc.edu | | Shipstead, Jerusha, Library Director and Institutional Effectiveness Coordinator (2019) B.A., Montana State University M.L.S., Emporia State University (406) 874-6196 ShipsteadJ@milescc.edu | | Short, Karen, Accounts Receivable Accounting Specialist (2022) (406) 874-6159 ShortK@milescc.edu | | Sleight, Garth, Spanish & Communications Instructor, Associate Dean of Academic Affairs (1986) B.A. & M.A., Brigham Young University (406) 874-6212 SleightG@milescc.edu | | Slinger, Ron, President (2020) B.A., The Defiance College, Communications M.A., Bowling Green State University, Higher Education Student Affairs Ed.D., Ferris State University (406) 874-6158 SlingerR@milescc.edu | | Smesrud, Cathleen, adjunct instructor (2023) B.S., University of North Dakota SmesrudC@milescc.edu | | Smith, Brent (Woody), Facilities Technician (2023) SmithB@milescc.edu | | Smith, Elizabeth, SBDC Regional Director/MCC Workforce Development Coordinator (2024) B.A. and M.SEd., Northern State University MEd., MSU Billings (406) 874-6168 SmithE@milescc.edu | | Smith, Whitney, Student Services Office Assistant (2022) (406) 874-6217 SmithW@milescc.edu | | Snell, Holly, Director of Student Success and Retention (2022) B.S., Grand Canyon University (406) 874-6151 SnellH@milescc.edu | | Stein Phipps, BeKa, Director of Marketing and Communications (2019) A.A.S., Miles Community College (406) 874-6155 SteinPhippsB@milescc.edu | | Strouf, Mary, Library Assistant (2019) B.A., Purdue University (406) 874-6153 StroufM@milescc.edu | | Svingen, Lynette, Adjunct Instructor (2024) A.S.N. and B.S.N., MSU-Northern M.H.A. / M.B.A., Pfeiffer University D.N.P and F.N.P., Western University of Health Sciences SvingenL@milescc.edu | | Swope, Nancy, Information Technology Instructor (1997) B.S., Black Hills State University (406) 874-6187 SwopeN@milescc.edu | | Tait, Chase, Men’s Head Basketball Coach; Math & P.E. Instructor (2009) B.A., Montana State University M.S., Lesley University (406) 874-6213 TaitC@milescc.edu | | Tait, Kristin, Adjunct Instructor (2024) B.S. and M.S., MSU-Billings TaitK@milescc.edu | | Taylor, Stan, Mathematics Instructor (2001) B.S. and M.S., Montana State University B.S., Northern Montana College (406) 874-6205 TaylorS@milescc.edu | | Taylor, Susan, Learning Center Instructor (2024) A.A., Shasta College B.A. and M.A., San Diego State University TaylorSu@milescc.edu | | Thormodsgard, Daniel, Adjunct Instructor (2021) ThormodsgardD@milescc.edu | | Trimble, Michele, Bookstore Manager A.A.S. Miles Community College (406) 874-6305 TrimbleM@milescc.edu | | Turck, Michael, Centra Director (2013) A.A.S., Dawson Community College B.S., Montana State University (406) 874-6286 TurckM@milescc.edu | | Tusler, Vicky, Adjunct Instructor B.S., Montana State University B.S., Weber State University TuslerV@milescc.edu | | Wade, Kari, Custodian (2016) B.S., Montana State University-Billings (406) 874-6185 WadeK@milescc.edu | | Weber, Michael, CRRN (2020) B.S.N., Montana State University WeberMJ@milescc.edu | | Wiebers, Jay, IT Specialist (2007) A.A.S., Miles Community College (networking ) A.A.S., Miles Community College (PC maintenance and repair) (406) 874-6202 WiebersJ@milescc.edu | | Yamamura, Daigo, Science Instructor (2021) B.S. and M.S., Montana State University Ph.D., University of Arkansas (406) 874-6193 YamamuraD@milescc.edu |